The Sixth Day
Sunday, November 01, 2020
  The New Marxism
In Karl Marx’ twisted worldview, all capitalists were wicked, evil, exploiters of the workers, who were imbued with saintly virtue and a righteousness which called them forth to rise up and overthrow capitalism in order to establish a workers paradise of universal equality. 

In the present age, the new Marxists lay the blame for the faults of the world at the feet of all white people, except, of course, those virtue-signaling white people who join in the riots or who work for the media companies to help twist the consciousness of the masses, ever in the direction of the new Marxists worldview. Those other white people are oppressors of the people of color who now must righteously rise to overthrow capitalism, and perhaps even to burn the system down. 

Can we stop for a moment to ask, before we burn the system down, is the new Marxists worldview even correct? Is the world simply made up of oppressors and oppressed? 

I do not see the world the new Marxists see. I see a system that rewards hard work and thrift; one that has benefited the common every day folks who mostly live today in centrally heated and cooled homes that are far more comfortable than the castles of kings 200 year ago. Yes, I live better than the nobility of the system of feudalism which capitalism replaced. 

Are the mobs really our neighbors or are they people whose individual identity has been stolen to infuse them instead with a faceless, collectivist identity as being one of the oppressed? 

Who are we? Simply members of an identity group, or are we each individuals, created in the image of God, and endowed with unalienable rights? I hope we can all see a world of individual souls and not of identity groups ever in conflict, because down that path lies a dark destination.
Commentary about all things human; life, the Christian religion, ethics, politics, economics, sociology, art, anything to do with twenty-first century American culture. Perhaps I will inform, perhaps I will anger and frustrate, but I hope always to make you think!

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Location: Fort Wayne, Indiana, United States

I grew up in Kansas in the 1950's - 60's. I attended Kansas State (B.S. in Soc. Science) and Washburn Law School (J.D.). My wife and I have been married for over thirty years and are the parents of three grown sons.

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