The Sixth Day
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
  Fiction, Freedom, and the Fourth Estate
We have all watched a magician perform illusions that leave us spellbound. “How did he do that?” we ask ourselves. We understand there is always something going on that we do not see and that a big part of the illusion is accomplished because our attention is drawn to what the magician wants us to see. The “show” is a fiction that hides what is real.

America is witnessing a kind of magic show right now. Great attention is focused on what President Obama says while what he does is accepted with little scrutiny and no serious questioning because of his personal charisma and popularity.

Elected Republicans and the RNC are almost entirely silent. It is only Newt Gingrich, Dick Cheney, and a few others who seriously question what is happening. In response we see stories from the old media about “moderate” Republicans fearing the party has left them. These stories are designed to silence elected Republicans so they will not say what they are thinking.

The President says he is concerned about the budget deficit. Yet he helped pass the $700 Billion TARP bill. He asked for the $787 Billion stimulus bill to be passed in January so he could sign it quickly once inaugurated. It shot through Congress so fast that no one actually read it before voting on it. The President has said “no more earmarks” and yet the bill he signed contained thousands of earmarks.

The President said no lobbyists would be appointed under his administration. The exceptions came almost immediately and then last Friday the policy was scrapped with little fanfare. Watch what he does, not what he says.

The President says he wants to nationalize healthcare to save money. Really? Do you believe more people can get more care, and better care, for less money? No one past the second grade should buy that illusion.

The President wants to limit carbon emissions to save the planet. Or is it to create an enormous new tax system that will undermine our ability to be globally competitive and justify regulating virtually every human activity?

The President promised “change.” No one seemed to question whether this “change” would add to our freedom or take away our freedom. We should keep in mind the wise words of Gerald Ford who observed, "A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have.”

The U.S. Constitution was set up to preserve our freedoms by establishing a limited government that would only have a few definite, enumerated powers. The Fourth Estate (the free press) was to be the watchman on the wall that assured our freedoms would never be swept away.

The Fourth Estate, in the form of newspapers, NBC, ABC, and CBS, has fallen under the spell of the magician. Thank God for the Internet media, talk radio, and FOX News or there would be no Fourth Estate as conceived by the Founders.

Most of what the federal government does today is far beyond the enumerated powers. Because no one seems to question anything government does, even the legislation that passed last week is ignored. Consider the TARP bill that had the express purpose of protecting financial companies from collapse. President Bush used some of that money for the first round of bailouts of the auto companies. Where was the Fourth Estate?

Now there are credible allegations that auto dealerships designated for closing by the Administration were selected based on political contributions. This is a serious issue. Where is the Fourth Estate?

Never forget that government is a monster that always seeks to feed itself and to grow and to devour anything that stands between it and the satisfaction of its appetites. Freedom is a precious thing, and once taken away is not easily regained.

Freedom depends on discovering truth and opening it to the light of day. Fiction, illusions, and flowery speech will not preserve freedom. Will the Fourth Estate fight to preserve freedom, even its own freedom?
Monday, June 01, 2009
  Tiller the Killer Meets his Maker
The notorious late-term abortionist, Dr. George Tiller, was murdered at church on Sunday. This is a sad and unfortunate turn in the long effort to bring to an close his abortion clinic. I am pro-life and so I do not support the killing of Dr. Tiller nor the practice of abortion.

There is an effort underway to paint pro-life people and groups as somehow "responsible" for the murder of Dr. Tiller. I believe responsibility lies elsewhere. In fact, I believe strident pro-abortionists bear the major part of responsibility for this heinous act.

The latest poll indicates the majority of Americans are now pro-life. The more important fact is that a substantial majority have for years been opposed to the grisly late-term abortions performed by the likes of Dr. Tiller. But, politicians and non-elected judges have thwarted the will of the majority.

Again, I do not defend the killing of Dr. Tiller, or any other abortionist, but when politicians who are bought and paid for with abortionists dollars, and judges who gain appointments largely because they are committed to protecting the practice, stand in the way of limitations, restrictions, or even sensible health regulations for abortion clinics, then common sense says that our political system has broken down and unbalanced people become more likely to resort to extreme acts.

Having said that, I will go out on another limb. I was surprised by how little news coverage Dr. Tiller's murder seemed to garner on national basis. If the coverage was truly as little as I perceived, then I believe that is also a sign of how little support there is among the public for keeping late-term abortions available.

To the strident advocates of "a woman's right to choose," I say you need to look in the mirror and ask yourself if you bear some burden in the killing of Dr. George Tiller.
Commentary about all things human; life, the Christian religion, ethics, politics, economics, sociology, art, anything to do with twenty-first century American culture. Perhaps I will inform, perhaps I will anger and frustrate, but I hope always to make you think!

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Location: Fort Wayne, Indiana, United States

I grew up in Kansas in the 1950's - 60's. I attended Kansas State (B.S. in Soc. Science) and Washburn Law School (J.D.). My wife and I have been married for over thirty years and are the parents of three grown sons.

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